When and why did you start making art?

I started creating art at a very young age. My first love was collecting comic books. Me being an 80’s kid I was always exposed to graffiti and street around New York City. That’s when my love for art began. I was amazed by the oversized fonts and bright colors. I was hooked.

What inspires you?

What inspires me is the natural flow of people. The vibe of the human body moving to its own rhythm. Music and poetry are other forms of inspiration. My culture and things that represent me or look like me. Strong and charismatic men and women that are making a difference in our community.

What about your technique is unique and different from other artists?

I would say that my technique is unique because of my approach to the process. I do research and create a digital mock-up of my piece before I decide to recreate it on canvas.

What themes are present in your artwork?

In my work I try to express the many layers that We as Black and Latino people carry with us. My work is broken down into layers because I like to show progression from light to dark allowing the viewer to see the depth of our experience.

How has your culture impacted your artistic process?

My culture has impacted me very deeply because our culture is so rich with traditions, narratives, and vibrant aesthetics that influence the main stream.

Name one artist or artwork from your hometown that you are very fond of.

Justin Bua

What does your art mean to you?

My art means to be bold and unapologetic. To be heard and seen. To be proud of who you are.

What message do you want to relay through your work?

The only message I want to express is to take risks and live in your truth as you are meant to be.

Describe your work in one word.
