Kasmin is pleased to present A Different Pose, the gallery’s first solo exhibition of new paintings by Cologne-based artist Jan-Ole Schiemann. Schiemann’s paintings are grounded in both gestural abstraction and the history of 20th-century animation, aspects that combine to imbue his work with a rare sense of kinetic energy. Half-formed, simultaneously disappearing and reappearing shapes suggest that somewhere amidst the lines, there are figures tumbling, colliding, or fighting obscured by clouds of smoke. As a result of Schiemann’s meticulous, layered application of charcoal, oilstick, ink and acrylic, the works have the illusion of both a sculptural and a digital depth. The artist’s first solo exhibition at Kasmin will be comprised of new medium-scale and monumental paintings, as well as the debut of a new series of works on paper.
Schiemann’s process begins with the collection of references—cut-outs from cartoon strips, elements from his own drawing process—which the artist then collages onto transparencies and projects against the canvas. Using primarily ink on the unprimed surface, Schiemann uses sweeping gestures to build the dynamic base of the picture plane before moving on to more precise, illustrative detailing. The works are then built up to fruition carefully, introducing exuberant color and spontaneity as Schiemann reimagines the projected configurations.
The series of works on paper demonstrates Schiemann’s commitment to drawing, and its fundamental place in his oeuvre. Appearing as a consolidation of fragments of many sketches bought together into balanced coherence, the works give further insight into Schiemann’s process and highlight the strength of his forms.