Where were you born and where do you live?
I was born and live in Haiti.
When and why did you start making art?
I started making art in April 2018. I wanted to explore my creative side that I have been suppressing for so long because of my fear and the fact that society makes it feel like a waste of time.
What inspires you?
Everything around me inspires me. I think the world around me is filled with beauty. You just have to take the time to look.
What about your technique is unique and different from other artists?
I just try to shoot the everyday things, the beauty I see around me. I try to show people a perspective that they may not see.
What themes are present in your artwork?
I shoot everything, from people to nature and objects. I mostly try to show snippets of the city, nature and how people interact with their environment.
How has your culture impacted your artistic process?
We are surrounded by art everywhere in Haiti. Even if you are not encouraged to pursue a career in art, it inspires you to let your creativity loose.
Name one artist or artwork from your hometown that you are very fond of.
I love the work of Zarita Zevallos. She’s also a photographer.
What does your art mean to you?
To me art is the expression of the self. It's expressing everything that is going on on the inside and show it on the outside.
What message do you want to relay through your work?
That you, too, can create. I was not born an artist. People need to know that the artist they love now has probably been working on his/her craft for a long time. I want people to not let fear stop them from trying.
Describe your work in one word.
Feeling. I want you to feel more by seeing more.